About us
The Rohrleitungssanierungsverband is a nationwide association which represents the trenchless renovation companies in Germany. Due to growing international impact and strong presence of our members all over the world, we'll provide a small selection of news on this page. You want to learn more about us and our members? Check the members list at the end of this page and follow us on LinkedIN and Instagram.

This is us
The Rohrleitungssanierungsverband e. V. represents the interests of companies in the field of pipeline rehabilitation - in the areas of sewage, drinking water, gas and district heating. The association is based in Hamburg - the city where the association was founded in 1992. In addition to the Board of Directors and the working groups, the RSV organisational bodies include an Advisory Board consisting of network operators, institutions and university representatives. The office is located in Hamburg. Contact

This is what we are committed to
Intact piping systems are a valuable asset. The RSV advocates among the protagonists and the public that rehabilitation techniques be used that represent a safe, durable and sustainable solution for defective pipe systems. Interventions in the soil are usually avoided - this also makes rehabilitation attractive for the environment. Know-how transfer, education and public relations work and the qualification of employees in the field of pipeline rehabilitation are thus the focal points of the association's work.

This is what the association is working on
The basis of the work is the development of a set of technical rules. Experts from engineering offices, companies, network operators and system manufacturers are active in various working groups to describe current developments. Experiences and recommendations on current technologies are always updated and available to the public via the RSV bulletins for practical use. In areas for which there are not yet any technical guidelines, the RSV is an impetus for the further development of the general technical regulations - up to standardisation.

These companies are members of us
All important companies that offer, carry out, plan or test modern rehabilitation methods for pipelines and manholes are represented in the Pipeline Rehabilitation Association. Members also include institutes, universities, publishers and trade associations as well as sponsors. Click here to search for companies.
The technical working groups are the main focus of our association's activities. As soon as a factsheet needs to be updated or produced, the working group is formed and undertakes the revision. Companies and users work together here - under the leadership of a chairman or chairwoman. The chairpersons of the currently active working groups are shown in bold in the organisation chart.
The honorary Board of Directors of the RSV manages the association on behalf of the members. It is supported by the management.
Trend-setting recommendations from the membership are developed in the Strategy Working Group. The Advisory Board has an important task: the committee of external experts, institutions, network operators and universities provides impetus for the association's work.
In the working group for securing skilled labour, we are tackling the issue of recruiting young people.