RSV-Factsheets in English language

The RSV is a German association which publishes leaflets on trenchless rehabilitation technologies. Given the growing international interest, we are working on the translation of all relevant German factsheets in 2025. Last updated: January 29, 2025

2-2 renovation of sewer pipes with the tight-in-pipe method (2023)

Completely revised and now in English: The RSV-leaflet on the renovation or replacement of sewer pipes with prefabricated discrete pipes or continuous pipes.

1.1. Sewer renovation with cured-in-place pipe lining (2021)

With the revision of November 2021, the CIPP leaflet of the RSV provides practical advice and rulework for sewer-pipes.

12.1 Cleaning of renovated Sewers (2022)

With the revision of July 2022, specifications for cleaning prior to visual inspection have been added. Furthermore, additional explanations on the standard, water quality and documentation have been included following suggestions from practitioners.

Translations of further RSV factsheets are planned and will be added here.