The technical working groups are the main focus of our association's activities. As soon as a factsheet needs to be updated or produced, the working group is formed and undertakes the revision. Companies and users work together here - under the leadership of a chairman or chairwoman. The chairpersons of the currently active working groups are shown in bold in the organisation chart.

The honorary Board of Directors of the RSV manages the association on behalf of the members. It is supported by the management.

Trend-setting recommendations from the membership are developed in the Strategy Working Group. The Advisory Board has an important task: the committee of external experts, institutions, network operators and universities provides impetus for the association's work.

In the working group for securing skilled labour, we are tackling the issue of recruiting young people.

Statutes (Englishh version)

rsv-statutes-2022-en.pdf (221.1 KiB)

Contribution rules (English version)

rsv-contributions-2021-en.pdf (260.8 KiB)