english Asbestos cement pipes: DVGW approves trenchless rehabilitation

The new W 396 Code of Practice summarizes the state of the art. The result: deconstruction and landfilling are the last resort in terms of emissions.

Under the title "Demolition, rehabilitation and maintenance work on water pipelines with components and coatings containing asbestos", the DVGW has published an updated version of Code of Practice W 396. The contents have now been presented in the magazine "energie | wasser-praxis". The possible work and procedures are assessed as follows:

  • Indispensable selective interventions, for example for connecting and integrating new pipeline sections: "The ideal solution in terms of economic efficiency, environmental protection and occupational safety".
  • Decommissioning of pipelines if continued operation is no longer technically/economically justifiable: "Lowest-emission form of permanent termination of use".
  • Rehabilitation with a trenchless construction method in accordance with DVGW regulations: This "enables continued use, perfectly combining the advantages of continued operation and Stlilegung in terms of minimizing emissions".
  • Dismantling including landfilling: "Even with the best possible process technology and procedure: "The most emission-intensive ultima ratio in the event that lower-emission alternatives are ruled out".

According to the article, reference is made to the current legal framework provided by the DGUV's TRGS 519. The list of low-emission processes recognized by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is likely to be extended this year. For example, the association has initiated the application process for in-situ curing pipe lining at the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and is about to complete the measurements.

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