english Bavaria's environment minister visits the RSV

Clear words from Bavaria's Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber during his visit to IFAT, and a plea in favour of the safe maintenance of asbestos cement pipes.

During a visit to the Rohrleitungssanierungsverband (RSV) at IFAT, the Bavarian State Minister for the Environment and Consumer Protection thanked us for our efforts to have cured-in-place pipe lining recognised as a low-emission procedure. This will make it easier for local authorities to tender for and obtain approval for sewer renovations in future - nationwide.

Glauber also contributed to the fact that the negative pipe section of the trade supervisory authorities in Bavaria was relaxed and the way is now clear for ‘inliners’ in underground pipes.

"It is gratifying when a minister has learnt something," commented RSV Managing Director Reinhild Haacker on the fact that Glauber studied architecture and worked in the construction sector for many years.

There was an extra round of applause for all RSV members who supported the proposal with their membership fees.

Our installation companies in Bavaria

Manufacturers of cured-in-place pipes

Manufacturer of systems in pressurised pipes made of asbestos cement

Asbestos cement pipes inside buildings

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