english DIBt to grant approvals for manhole renovation systems

Good news from Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik in the matter of manhole systems: Approval procedures can now be applied for again.

In a letter to the RSV, the authority states: "After a thorough internal examination and consultation with our experts with regard to the requirements of the building authorities, we would like to inform you that, on the basis of § 16a Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 No. 1 as well as § 18 Paragraph 1 in conjunction with. § 17 paragraph 1 of the Musterbauordnung (in each case according to state law), we will in future issue general building inspectorate approvals with general design approval for manhole rehabilitation procedures - including the inner linings of sewage manholes mentioned by you - provided they fall within the scope of the state building codes."

In June, RSV had written to DIBt after the authority rejected applications for approval procedures from some system manufacturers. They reasoned that by saying that manhole renovations did not fall within DIBt's remit.

"We are pleased that DIBt has made this decision, because manholes in particular are often located where the Musterbauordng (standard building regulations) apply - namely on private property," explains RSV chairman Andreas Haacker. "Approval by the building authorities gives network operators and contractors the security of using tested systems of high quality."

According to Haacker, the notification also means that DIBt will allow manhole statically dimensioned liners to be approved as a rehabilitation system. Currently, DIBt only lists approvals for inner linings on its website (link to DIBt page).

Link to the DIBt overview page Rehabilitation methods for sewers, drains and manholes

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