english Job market now with interactive map

We make the job search easy: In our new job market, applicants can find career opportunities directly in their area - by clicking on the map of Germany.

Our new job market is ready: our members have posted almost 40 job and apprenticeship vacancies and the white job map has filled up in just a few days. From trainee to site manager, all qualifications are represented. "With the map, we are now launching the second stage of the job booster: as an association, we are not only drawing attention to our industry with interesting videos, but are now offering concrete jobs and apprenticeships," explains RSV board member Benedikt Stentrup.

Just like the company search, the job market map is interactive. If you land on our site as a job seeker, you can click on the red location arrow to find out which job is hidden behind it. The filter helps with the preselection.

In the coming weeks and months, the main aim is to advertise the environmental technologist training programme on Instagram and TikTok. Further new videos will also be published on this occasion.

The job vacancies themselves are not published on our website - it is a link that leads directly to the tender on the member company's website.

By the way, the publication of job offers is reserved exclusively for members. The notification is made via a form on our Jobbooster page.

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