english New RSV video shows importance of the branch

What would happen if our industry did not exist? - We asked Kim, Shari, Kate, Jens, Willi and Melanie this question.

It's quite clear: if there were no companies or network operators to take care of the maintenance of the pipeline infrastructure, many things would no longer function as we are used to. Drinking water from the tap, using the toilet flush or taking a shower - all these things would no longer work. would not be possible without our branch. Thanks to the member companies of the RSV and especially to the cool team from ExRohr for answering this question for us.

This video was made as part of the Jobbooster initiative and is the start of a series of moving image campaigns by the RSV. We will talk about it at the next meeting of the Jobbooster working group. If you also want to be part of it, get in touch via the contact form below or by email to office@rsv-ev.de.

You would like to use this video for your website or social media presence? Please feel free to contact us.

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