english Price balance 2022: Material prices and construction costs at a glance

While costs in the construction sector are rising continuously, material prices for pipe lining have settled at a high level.

Since the beginning of last year, RSV has been tracking the prices of pipes and starting materials in pipe lining on a monthly basis. The goal: to provide an official and recognized basis for comparison when applying the material price escalator clause in tenders. In December, the RSV index for pipe liners, which was formed specifically for this purpose, came out of the year 2022 at a high level, although once again only slight fluctuations compared with the previous month were discernible. The "GP RS 0", which represents the average of three different liner types, has remained virtually unchanged at around 140 points since April. At the beginning of 2022, it was still at 125 points.

The fact that the year-on-year price increase in December was "only" 13.6 percent is related to a special base effect. This is because in 2021, prices had soared noticeably at the end of the year. The 30 percent increase in December 2021 was by far the highest of all recent years. Such a value was not reached in 2022 either, which shows that the "pricing in" of rising energy costs a year ago has obviously already been completed.

July 2022 highest increase for concrete pipes

There was a continuous upward trend for concrete, cement and cast stone pipes, which increased in price by 17 percent compared with the same month of the previous year. Here, the index stood at 143 points in December, compared with 122.7 points in December of the previous year. Incidentally, the biggest price increase in recent years was in July 2022. year-on-year, pipes became 22 percent more expensive.

Note: The Federal Statistical Office transmits the values from the respective previous month once a month (around the 20th). The official statistics show prices for raw materials and products from Germany. The index for pipe liners determined by the RSV represents an estimate in order to be able to track fluctuations according to the price escalation clause in accordance with the federal government's procurement manual.

Current data 2022 January February March April May June July August September October November December
GP-RS 1 Index needle felt liner EP 143,715 144,775 146,14 158,315 160,51 161,37 160,97 160,60 158,66 155,89 153,68 152,26
GP-RS 2 Index needle felt liner UP 117,51 120,675 123,02 129,22 131,88 135,34 134,97 135,57 134,86 134,75 134,31 132,50
GP-RS 3 Index Glass Fiber Liner UP 114,95 116 118,4 130,15 126,7 131,35 131,60 133,20 134,70 137,00 135,50 135,15
GP-RS 0 Total pipe liner 125,39 127,15 129,19 139,23 139,70 142,68 142,51 143,12 142,74 142,54 141,16 139,97
Development GP-RS 0 compared to previous month 2% 1,40% 1,60% 7,77% 0,34% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% -1% -1%
Development GP-RS-0 compared to the same month of the previous year 27% 26% 27% 25% 23% 24% 21% 21% 21% 18% 18% 14%

Note: For bidding entities in sewer rehabilitation, the RSV offers current recommendations on the use of Form 225 a (price escalator clause).

Further notes on the page "Materialpreise".

Vergleich mit Baupreis-Indizes für Entwässerungsarbeiten

Vergleicht man die Kosten für Bauleistungen insgesamt, so nehmen die Materialpreise keine Sonderstellung (mehr) ein. Denn die Kosten in der Bauwirtschaft gehen insgesamt kontinuierlich rauf. Dies bilden aktuell die  Baupeisindizes ab, die vom Statistischen Bundesamt quartalsweise ermittelt werden.

Seit Mitte 2021 zweistelliger Preisanstieg bei Entwässerungsarbeiten

So erreichte der Index für Entwässerungsarbeiten in "Ortskanälen" im Ingenieurbau Ende 2022 einen Spitzenwert von fast 157 Punkten, nach rund 134 Punkten im gleichen Quartal des Vorjahres. Seit eineinhalb Jahren steigen die Preise in zweistelliger Höhe zum jeweiligen Quartal des Vorjahres.

Ein ähnliches Bild zeigt sich beim Index für "Entwässerungskanalarbeiten" im Bereich "Instandhaltung von Wohngebäuden". Schon Mitte 2021 gingen die Preis m 16 bis 19 Prozent rauf. Die Leistungen verteuerten sich im Jahr 2022 nochmal um jeweils 17 bis 19 Prozent.

Steigende Energiekosten, höhere Ausgaben für Personal und erhöhte Sicherheitsauflagen dürften eine Rolle bei der Preisentwicklung spielen.


(without guarantee)

Image credit: Adobe Stock

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