english RSV opens working group on in-house drinking water pipes

The RSV is taking up a new branch in the field of building renovation: the maintenance of in-house drinking water pipes. Engineers, installation companies and manufacturers are invited to register for the new working group by 20 August.

When drinking water pipes in buildings get old, replacing them is associated with high levels of stress for residents and costs for property owners. Minimally invasive rehabilitation procedures offer an alternative - but they have attracted attention in the past due to considerable defects and even health risks. The RSV working group on in-house drinking water pipes would like to bring clarity to the matter.

The aim of the working group is to describe the existing quality requirements for systems and to work out ways in which companies can provide evidence. At the same time, consumers and renovation companies who would like to be involved in the repair of pipe systems in the future should receive an overview of the requirements for drinking water approval.

Who is invited?

Members of the RSV are invited to participate in the working group.

The constituent meeting will take place online in October. The exact date will be announced. Invitations will be sent to interested parties by e-mail.

Picture: Risan GmbH

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