english Strong German rehabilitation industry presents itself in Helsinki

A large number of German companies are among the exhibitors at NO-DIG Helsinki - including 12 RSV companies.

Since Monday, the international trenchless industry has been presenting itself in Helsinki. A total of more than 40 exhibitors show themselves and in addition there is a congress program with interesting lectures. There are many German contributions in the program of exhibitions as well as in the program of lectures. This shows that "Made in Germany" carries weight in the international sewer rehabilitation industry. The speakers include Philipp Bergmann from Relineeurope and Peter Lorenz from Primus Line.

Visitors still have the opportunity to explore the exhibition until Wednesday. Tomorrow, students can take part in an introduction to Trenchless technologies.

Haebler elected as vice chairman

As part of the event the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT) held elections for its management team. Mark André Haebler from the RSV-member company Uhrig has been elected vice chairman.

Videos and photos on LinkedIn

Which companies are in Helsiki? What is there to see? Paul Harwood from the fair organizer Westrade, who is also the publisher of "Trenchless Works", reports quasi live on LinkedIn with videos and pictures from the event.

RSV members as exhibitors

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