english "The mountain is almost impossible to climb"

Wastewater network operators are facing an unrivalled backlog of renovation work - both for pipes and manholes: This was one of the findings of the conference organised by RSV member Relineeurope.

"Our bridges are in a desolate state - it doesn't look much different underground" - words from Benedikt Stentrup, board member of the RSV at the Relineconference last week.

According to his observations, the number of one-day bursts - collapsing pavements and roads due to underground pipe damage - is increasing. "We need to speak up and get politicians involved," was one of the key demands of the Relineconference at the Technikmuseum Sinsheim Speyer, moderated by Relineeurope CEO Marc Stiebing.

The facts and figures presented to the audience by Robert Stein from engineering firm Stein und Partner, among others, spoke for themselves: municipalities in Germany are facing an almost unmanageable task of making their wastewater systems - i.e. tens of thousands of kilometres of pipes and manholes - fit for the future. Tight budgets, a lack of staff and a procurement policy that still focuses on the lowest price have caused a backlog of renovation work in local authorities over the years. "The mountain is almost impossible to climb," he summarised the situation.

Informing politicians and supporting them in finding solutions by providing information on procedures - that is the central task of the Rohrleitungssanierungsverband (RSV). CEO Andreas Haacker emphasises: "Politics is not only in Berlin, but in every municipality".

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