english UP needled felt liner: Error in index data from January and February 2023

The latest data from the Federal Statistical Office show a slight decline in the price of raw materials for cured-in-place pipes.

Analogous to the falling prices for oil and energy, the RSV index for cured-in-place pipes showed a slight easing in February. The RSV index fell by 2,17 1,9 percent compared to the previous month. Compared to the previous year, however, there is still an increase of 9,28 12 percent.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, prices for pipes made of concrete, cement and artificial stone have recently risen sharply. In January, prices rose by 22 percent compared to the previous year; in February, the increase was still just over 20 percent. Unlike plastics, which experienced strong price shocks in 2021, concrete and stoneware only became significantly more expensive in 2022.

Trenchless sewer renovation in advantage with high energy prices

Regardless of the development of material prices, RSV chairman Andreas Haacker sees good chances that trenchless renovation will further strengthen its position compared to open construction: "In the long run, the development of energy costs in construction and the requirements for climate protection will play a higher role than the pure manufacturing costs in the plant. Added to this are factors such as the disposal of excavated soil and the high personnel costs. Here, the trenchless procedures are almost without alternative."

The current data

Note: The Federal Statistical Office transmits the values from the respective previous month once a month (around the 20th). The official statistics show prices for raw materials and products from Germany. The index for cured-in-place pipes determined by the RSV represents an estimate in order to be able to track fluctuations according to the price escalation clause in accordance with the federal awarding manual.

Corrected data (correction marked in bold):

Current data 2023 January February
GP-RS 1 Index needled felt liner EP 155,41 152,02
GP-RS 2 Index needled felt liner UP





GP-RS 3 Index glass fibre liner UP 136,35 134,15
GP-RS 0 Total cured-in-place pipes 142,03 138,94
Development GP-RS 0 compared to previous month 2,00%


-1,9 %

Development GP-RS-0 compared to the same month of the previous year





Note: For tendering bodies in sewer rehabilitation, the RSV offers current recommodations on the application of Form 225a (price escalation clause).

(without guarantee)

Image credit: Adobe Stock

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