english – What about the IFA approval of the cured-in-place pipelining for asbestos cement pipes?
A frequently asked question. Here is the latest news and the solution for local authorities that urgently need to maintain asbestos cement sewers.
The current status: With three measurements, the RSV confirmed at the beginning of 2023 that the cured-in-place pipe lining meets the requirements for low-emission procedures in accordance with TRGS 519. The procedure has fulfilled the conditions formulated in DGUV Information 201-012. This was confirmed to us by the IFA.
It takes a while...
What is missing is inclusion in the list of BT procedures by the Institute for the Protection of Labour (IFA), on which the bursting procedure is currently the only procedure for the maintenance of buried pipes.
Following the first meeting of the decisive IFA committee in spring, the RSV has been campaigning for an acceleration with regular contact and corresponding letters, especially as the number of enquiries from local authorities is increasing. So far, unfortunately, without any recognisable success.
Since the most recent meeting of the IFA working group in November, things have been moving again. The IFA and the RSV are currently working on the final formulation of the process description as a BT procedure.
We have justified hopes that we will achieve recognition as a BT procedure this year.
Are you in a hurry? It also works without IFA recognition
In Germany, cured-in-place pipes may be installed in drains made of asbestos cement if the measure is carried out in accordance with the occupational health and safety regulations of TRGS 519. This also requires official authorisation from the relevant trade supervisory authority. In Germany, these authorities rely on the IFA, which maintains the list of low-emission procedures and thus simplifies tenders. However, there is also an alternative.
Can the procedure applied for by the RSV be approved with legal certainty, even if it has not yet been recognised by the IFA?
Yes, firstly because the Hazardous Substances Ordinance authorises both the statutory accident insurance institutions and the authorities to recognise them. Secondly, because this is provided for in LV 45, the currently applicable guidelines on the Hazardous Substances Ordinance of the Länder Committee for the Protection of Labour and Safety Technology. Condition: The method is based on the criteria that also apply to the recognition of a low-emission procedure. And these are now in place for cured-in-place pipe lining.
Extract from the LV 45
I 3.3 (new question 2012)
Annex II No. 1, paragraph 1, point 2 refers to low-emission procedures that are recognised by the authorities or the statutory accident insurance institutions. Where are these recognised procedures described?
BGI 664 "Procedures with low exposure to asbestos during demolition, sewer renovation and maintenance work "* describes the low-emission procedures recognised by the statutory accident insurance institutions on the basis of TRGS 519 (see: http://www.dguv.de/ifa/de/pra/asbest/index.jsp)
BGI 664* also specifies the criteria for recognition. The authorities are also guided by these criteria if official recognition is to be granted in individual cases. There is no list of these official approvals.
*The BGI has since been replaced by DGUV 201-012
The technical review of the application for recognition as a low-emission procedure was carried out by the IFA in spring 2023. The entire process of pipe lining was measured on the sites, from the preparatory work (cleaning, milling widths, measuring the connections) to the renovation and the connections; junction attachments and waste disposal after the renovation.
We would not like to anticipate the publication by the IFA. However, we will be happy to send you the status of the process description and the results report of the measurements on request (contact).
Local authorities, companies and engineering firms can find further information in our FAQ.
What if there are fundamental legal concerns?
Legal concerns are often based on myths that have their origins in a now disproved legal interpretation of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance and REACH Regulation.
According to the general legal opinion, there are currently no laws or regulations that prohibit the functional maintenance of buried pipes by trenchless procedures. There is also no removal requirement.
The new DVGW factsheet (manhole (shaft/chamber) 396) recommends rehabilitation measures for the functional maintenance of pipes.
This article was translated from DeepL The RSV is not liable for any incorrect translations. Here you can find the German version of the article.